I like turning vases …so I’m always looking for new techniques and methods for turning a vase.
In this video, you’ll find a cherry crotch piece being turning into a vase, the wood is kind of punky so he uses some CA and looks like he is also using some casting resin. He uses the resin to cast a foot and fill holes, cracks and some weak spots.
This is probably old news for you experienced turners, however, if you are new or learning the tricks of the trade for woodturning watch what tools he uses, pay attention to the type of cut whether scraping or slicing. That’s what I’ve done since I started wood turning…..just watched and payed attention to what an experienced wood-turner did …..how he did it and just tried to duplicate their efforts.
I can tell his tools are nice and sharp……something you need to do!
He has some unique methods of forming a mould for developing a unique bottom to the vase.
He reverse chucks the piece several times. I mean, he turns the piece around on the lathe by forming a tenon on the bottom, then shapes it, then he forms a tenon on the top and further shapes the piece until he decides what he needs to do to stabilize the vase and then hollow.
Some of you might think this is too much work. That’s OK, some turners will spend a ton of time on making a piece they are working on turn into a master piece …..some turners will give up and move on to the next project ……there is no right or wrong, however, you can learn from this video different techniques you can apply to save a piece and turn it into a work of art!
I thought it was a good video, project finished nicely …..imperfect but that is the medium we deal with, so all wood is imperfect.
He was using Watco Lacquer finish and kept commenting on the Satin look when he expected high gloss. First I recommend Watco Butcher Block Finish for your bowls . I use this Watco lacquer finish all the time its cheap and easy to use, pick it up on Amazon or I get it from Menards, there are 2 things you need to do when applying and finishing Watco Lacquer. Sand down to a very fine grit, minimum 1500, preferably wet sand it. Also, allow to dry at least 24 hours between coats ….I know that doesn’t work for those of you that are impatient. But, the finish is outstanding when you wait.
My favorite is Deft. I like all the Deft products ….especially the sanding sealer, if he used Deft sanding sealer he might have been able to eliminate the resin and acetone applications but you can try Deft Spray or buy it by the quart, thin it a little with lacquer thinner and apply while spinning on the lathe ….it does the same thing, it will set the punky wood and allow you to further sand it or cut it with your scraper or gouge. This is the Deft Lacquer spray . And for the Deft Sanding sealer, you can apply 5 coats in 10 minutes if you wanted, if you dilute it a little with lacquer thinner it will soak into the wood and do the same as in the video, that is, soak into the wood ….stiffen it and allow you to sand and further shape with your tools. I remember using this stuff in high-school 50 years ago and when watching a Capn’ Eddie video I was reminded of Deft …..once you smell it you will never forget it
Finally, after the last coat let it set up ….again 24 hours and buff it out while on the lathe if you can, if not, use a buffer wheel or drill attachment. Be careful go buff lightly otherwise you will burn the finish, that is, you create enough heat to melt the lacquer and create streaks.
I’ve found out that finishing is somewhat of an “art” each lacquer manufacturer will give you different results and it takes time to experiment with finishes. I’m only just beginning when it comes to finishes and how to apply. Capn Eddie preaches on sanding, I hate sanding ….but he is so dead on, you need to progress from the heavy grit down to the smallest, the more effort you put into sanding the better you project will turn out.
In this project there was a combination of resins, epoxy, CA and lacquer. It was interesting to watch and I thought the project turned out beautiful ….he can still buff it out, if he is careful, and is looking for that high gloss finish.
I hope you check out this video on how to turn a Choke Cherry Vase https://youtu.be/Kfg4kkkebfY