Make Money Woodturning
I created this category “Make Money Woodturning” so we can explore How to Make Money Woodturning using your woodturning skills to make some extra money because that’s what I was intending to do.
Owned Businesses All My Life
Let me start by saying that I’ve been in business all my life and basically I have worked for myself all my life. There might have been a couple of highschool jobs where I got paid by the hour, then there was the job I had while going to college …that paid a whole $1.25 an hour for hard manual labor ….needed beer and play money back in the day, so you did anything.
Actually I was hoping to use my woodturning projects to fund my woodturning habit. If it makes more, then great! Who couldn’t use a little extra cash
Here’s some crazy stuff!
I probably mentioned that I’ve been in the construction business in one form or another all my life, after I got sick and couldn’t really work anymore I learned how to hand code websites and started making websites and doing websites for others. I then learned the fine art of “internet marketing”, actually learning how to market (selling your goods and services) using the internet never changes and it is fast paced to say the least.
Need to Do Some Sales Work
to Capitalize On Our Woodturning Efforts
and Resulting Great Works of Art!
As I was growing up I swore I would never be a salesperson. Hated those guys. Then I read someplace that, “we are all salesmen” and when you really think about it, we really do have to sell ourselves in one way or another throughout life. Now that I’m a woodturner, I need to sell some woodturning stuff
I mention my website building and internet marketing because I’m pretty sure that would be the primary method I would sell my woodturning projects. Probably create an estore of some sort or possibly in combination with some of the other e-commerce marketing platforms that are out there.
Selling Woodturning Projects
Through Fairs, Art Shows, Mall Shows!
I just do not see myself sitting around at fairs, art shows, meetings or whatever some people do to sell their stuff to the locals. Nothing wrong with that, probably the easiest ….just not for me.
I might even make a template for you guys so you can set up your own website …either give it away or sell it, not sure yet.
Providing Woodturning
Parts on Contract?
Another way to cash in on your woodturning skills would be to contact construction businesses or suppliers and see if you can leave a business card promoting custom turnings. When I rehabbed old houses for people we would spend a fortune on custom stair railings, spindles ….one guy I know turns a big momma bowl and turns it into a custom sink, coating with Alumilite or other epoxy coating.
Custom Woodturning Projects and
Website Project Kits You Can Sell!
How about turning so custom walking sticks? The sell brass tips and other connectors so you can make some awesome looking walking stick/weapons
Every woodturning supply site has a project tab. I’m talking about pizza cutters, pens, rolling pins etc.
You get the idea, I’ll be researching and looking at the different ways woodturners turn wood to make a profit. I’ll post each cash making project or method in this Make Money Woodturning category here and hopefully you will find it helpful.
Finally, if you’ve discovered a good niche for your woodturning skills …please send me an email (scott AT or drop a comment below.
How to Make Money Woodturning
My first post will be about a guy who cranks out bowls, like 20 at a time for 20 bucks! …..stay tuned