Make Your Own Wood Finish O.B. Shine Juice with Cap’n Eddie

Make Your Own Wood Finish
O.B. Shine Juice with Cap’n Eddie

There are 100’s of ways to finish your wood turning projects. Cap’n Eddie has what he calls ob shine juice to seal and put a basic finish on your wood project. You can further finish your project by applying a different type of finish on top of your ob shine juice finish. He even says you can apply this to something that already has a finish ….guess you’ll just have to test it.

How To Make O.B. Shine Juice

He gives you the formula in the video and it consists of:

  1. one part boiled linseed oil
  2. one part clear shellac finish
  3. one part denatured alchohol

Eddie has a bunch of differnet finishes he likes to use, I’ll do a Finish section for wood turning projects of all kinds from all different wood turners, so come back and check out this category everynow and again…… heck I might even put Cap’n Eddie’s secrect formula on a downloadable .txt file so you can pin it the wall right next to your lathe.

You can store the finish in any air tight container, here’s a list of finish containers you might be able to use from your home and they are free!

CA Finish ….How to Use it on
Wood Turning Projects

Hey…. did you know you can use superglue for a wood finish on your turning projects? There are all kinds of special ways to apply and precautions to take…. I’ll do a section on finishing with CA products, cap’n eddie uses this a lot, so do most of the big name wood tuners.

Watch the famous Cap’n Eddie at work and remember to support the guy by purchasing his products, jigs, tools and anything else he has on wood turning

Here is the receipe for OB Shine Juice Directly from Capn Eddie

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Click to access shinejuice.54184110.pdf

Remember…. Keep Cap’n Eddie busy and buy his tools and products at