Locating Specialty Wood Sources for Woodturning Projects Such As A Beaver Chewed Branch Laying On The River Bed
Like any wood turner I am always looking for new sources or different sources of wood to turn. This summer we spent a lot of time by the river doing some fishing, seining and swimming with our grandsons. They kept pulling out big branches and sometimes logs that were water logged and laying on the river bed so I though …..why not try to turn some of this!
Always Looking for New Sources of Wood for Woodturning


I am always looking for new sources of wood for woodturning. It might be types or species of wood or just shapes of different wood. Like crotches, branches ….dried or rotted pieces or a small slingshot type piece that would make a nice small bowl or jewelery dish. Any type of unusual piece of wood in a tree ….whether it has grown that way or gotten its shape from laying on the ground.
Often times its not how big the piece of wood is but rather the shape, then its left to your imagination.
If you need a quick blank or two you can always check out ebay for wood turning blanks ….you can usually find some decent deals there.
Water Logged Beaver Chewed Branch
The kids dragged a whole bunch of water logged branches from the river this summer…..some were chewed up by beavers and probably muskrats. I thought they were pretty cool looking and wondered what I could make out of them, what could I turn from a beaver branch
Beaver Bowls?
I could see doing a couple of bowls on the fat end of it. Maybe a few vases with the beaver teeth (chewing) left in the side. These might be ugly and worthless to some but for those who enjoy wildlife they can own a bit of natural history ….for those that live on or new Fox River they can own a part of geographical history near to them.

Develop a Woodturning Selling Strategy
For those who like to turn wood and sell it you need to come up with a Unique Selling Proposition such as a beaver vase …..although that can be serious and interesting to the “naturalist” it might be a joke for someone who is a bit of a “pervert” and looking for a gag or practical joke type gift. You never know what causes someone to buy your stuff.
You might want to take that piece and slice it into 50 or more pen planks and sell them as Fox River Beaver Pens ……get the idea!
Sure, everyone loves wood bowls, vases, cups, pizza cutters, pens, billy bats, clubs and on and on…..nothing like a custom turned piece …..however, if you can tie into an emotion or memory you will have more sales and get more money for your turnings.
If you stumble on this post and have some ideas ….please let me know!
Beaver Wood Facebook Post
I did a Facebook post asking my group what they thought I could turn out of this piece of wood. Since I am writing both the blog post and FB post at the same time I have no idea what kind of response I will get. I’m assuming since it is “Beaver” wood, I will get the worse of the worse ….gonna be pretty hard for those folks to not make a few perverted comments ….but we’ll see
Here’s the Beaver Chewed Branch post:
OK, I know I’m asking for trouble when I throw this question out!
I’m looking for suggestions on what type of unique or interesting project I might be able to turn with this piece of wood. My grandson pulled it out of the river, it was chewed up by beavers and either sunk or floated downriver.

My grandson is 4 years old mind you, I call him Thor because the kid is a beast!
It was waterlogged, heavy but had 3 or 4 places where the beaver chewed into the log to either try to make it fall down or just eat it. Anyway, it has been sitting on the pier and drying out for a week or two and I thought I would really like to make something nice out of it.
I was hoping to turn a piece with the beaver teeth marks in it. I keep coming up with a blank …..my creativity has vanished
Check out the pics and video and let me know what you would do!
This video shows the beaver chewed log a little closer …hopefully it will give you some food for thought and I hope you will share that with me below.
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