How to Turn a Basic Wood Bowl with Richard Raffan
Since this blog is about woodturning, and the basics of woodturning I am always looking for good articles, blogs and videos about wood turning basics.
Richard Raffan Shares Basic
Wood Bowl Turning
Once you start turning wood for a while and watching videos you will sooner or latter run across a woodturner by the name of Richard Raffan. He is an older woodturner but very experienced. Richard Raffan has books and video courses out where he teaches various basic and advanced woodturning techniques.

You can find an entire selection of Richard Raffan’s books and video courses, just click on Richard Raffan Woodturning Books
Basic Bowl Turning Techniques
with Great Photography
One problem is that he makes woodturning look so simple. But if you pay attention to his writings and his videos you will began to understand how a tool must be held. How to approach your work safely and how to accomplish your final outcome.
A Two Video Tutorial on Basic Wood Bowl Turning
Looks like Richard did a couple of basic woodturning videos for FineWoodworking:
- How to Turn a Basic Bowl-Part I
- How to Turn a Basic Bowl-Part II
Are You New to Woodturning….
Watch These Videos and Try to Duplicate Richard Raffan’s Efforts
You should watch these videos and take note of every move he makes, every tool that Richard Raffan uses as well as the instructions he gives. One problem with being an excellent and professional wood turner is that the things you take for grant it are new and unusual for the new woodturner. So you need to pay attention and se if you can pick up a tip of two to help you with your wood turning, whether you are an advanced woodturner or a beginner woodturner.
I hope you like the 2 videos. Better yet, I hope they help you become a better wood turner!
This comment puts a little perspective of the videos and the woodturner.
For the new turners out there – this is more of a Master Class than a how-to for new turners. Mr. Raffan is so skilled that he makes difficult (and catch-worthy) cuts look easy; Those shearing and pull-cuts with the spindle gouge on the outside of the bowl are (and I know from experience) very difficult to emulate. The man is amazing, but there are less demanding – less “fast and furious” – approaches to bowl-turning. (And he knew that bowl was perfect before he went to the bandsaw – he’s that good. Wish I was.) As the youngsters say – Respect.
You’ll see Richard use some hefty round nose scrapers. These are easy to use once you learn how to use them and will give you some great results. They are hefty tools and carry some mass so a newbie can control them, or a more experienced woodturner can extend further off the tool rest and get deep into your bowl, cut or other project. Richard Raffan is using a couple of Sorby scrapers, you can find them here:
I have a set of Hurricane scrapers. One is a round nose, the other two are a right and left curved scrapers. These, like the Sorby tools are 1-1/2″ wide and almost 1/2″ thick, they are massive and help you to control a situation when needed. The stell in the Hurricane Scrapers is not as good as the Sorby Scrapers but that just means you need to sharpen them more often. If you have the budget ….got for the Sorby scrapers. If money is tight, get the Hurricane Scarpers …..I really do love my Hurricane scrapers!