Learn How To Turn a Mallet On Your Wood Lathe
I’ve got a great woodturning project for new and old woodturners alike!
Did you ever need to beat on something in the shop and know that a metal hammer would just damage and rip up your project. You need a rubber hammer maybe? … or how about a wood mallet?
Making Some Wood Mallets
of Different Design
I enjoy making my own woodturning tools. I’ve been in the process of making some wood mallets for myself and to sell. I just never got around to finishing the video! I made my mallet heads from a branch and the handles from different wood species. I wanted to see how I could mass produce hard, indestructable wood mallets. I got sick and just never finished putting the project together so the pieces are finished the video is in pieces and has to be edited and all I have to do is put them together …..which I hope to do soon. But until then….I have a great video that shows how you can turn a basic wood mallet for you to watch.
Although my wood mallets are of a more traditional shape and prove very helpful around the shop. You can beat on most anything in the shop and not ruin whatever you are hitting. Heck, you could use my model to make tenderloins in the kitchen!
However, I just ran into a video from Mike Peace on making a wood mallet on your lathe that can be used for just about anything like carving, tool persuation, loosening that locked chuck …etc.
How To Turn A Mallet On Your Wood Lathe
Mike Peace of Mike Peace Woodturing produced a video on “How To Turn A Mallet On Your Wood Lathe”
It is perfect for a beginner woodturning project or if you just need a wood mallet around the shop. So if you don’t have one, make one because they really come in handy. Mike goes over design, wood selection and how to use your tools to get the desired shape.
What I Used Before I Had A Wood Mallet
You won’t believe this……
Before I had a wood mallet I would use a branch, pipe or anything laying around the shop ….since I made a few wood mallets I find I am always using it! In fact, I have placed a couple wood mallets around the shop in designated holders so I always know where to find one …..problem is I just do not put things back where I found them 🙂
Easy Turn Making A Wood Mallet As A
Beginner Woodturning Project

As I said, turning a wood mallet is a good beginner project. Mike Peace gives you some plans to go by, he even shows you how to convert or create a dead blow mallet with lead shot or BB’s. You’ll enjoy turning this woodturning project and will find it something that you can give away as gifts to your fellow woodworkers or even sell them.
What You Will Need For This Woodturning Project
The best part is all you need is a 12 or 14 inch log, he gives you the profile and all you need to do is put it between centers. You need a spindle roughing gouge , maybe a parting tool *******, and a spindle gouge would come in handy *********. When waking this is the type of tool you really do not need to apply a finish to it but if you wanted to a coat or two of mineral oil works well ….I think I put OB shine juice on my mallets *******
Thanks Mike, great video and very nice project!
#woodturningproject #mallet #deadblowmallet