Epoxy resin finishes are beautiful. However, it takes some time to learn how to use it. That means you will probably mess up one or more projects depending on what epoxy finish you use.
I stumbled onto a guy by the name of John Williams a while back who was using with good results epoxy resin finishes. He just came out with a video that shows how he applies epoxy finishes to his woodturnings. This is a really good video for anyone looking to get into using epoxy finishes.
I posted the below comments to our facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/woodturningbasics ….if you haven’t joined you should consider it. Lots of good information shared with new woodturners and experienced woodturners alike.
Have any of you guys/gals worked with epoxy finishes?
If you have, you know how finicky they can be. How hard it is to get an even finish. How difficult it can be to get the bubbles out of it! ….and a variety of other problems when appling epoxy resin finishes.

I stumbled on a video a while back by John Williams. He was making coffee mugs or travel mugs and using epoxy for the interior and exterior finish. He showed how he slowly rotated the mug after it was finished, he promised to do a video showing how he created his turning jig ….but I never saw it and I don’t think he did the video because he moved on the bigger and better turnings!
It turns out….pun intended 🙂 ….that he is doing a lot of hollow forms, sinks and other turnings using epoxy for a finish on both inside and outside. Check out his EPOXY PROCESS video
Some good info in this video, he has a new turning jig …..but no instructions on how to build it ….but you can get a look at it and make one on your own if you are so inclined.
I definitely have this on my list of things to do because you can’t get a more high gloss and protective finish then an epoxy resin….. if you are interested this might be a place to start.
He uses an epoxy resin that I am not sure is food safe, if you need a food safe epoxy resin finish I have used this MAX CLEAR GRADE Epoxy Resin System – 48oz. Kit – Food Safe, FDA Compliant Coating, Crystal Clear, Stain Resistant, Countertop and Tabletop Coatings, Wood Coatings, Fiberglassing Resin https://amzn.to/2FkSz4j from Amazon….without all the fancy turning jigs, just need to apply multiple thin coats to prevent it from pooling. It finishes nicely and looks great on cups and bowls.